+33 (0)1 40 04 92 30 Lun - Jeu 7h30 - 17h30 / Ven 7h30 - 16h 37, Avenue de Saint-Mandé 75012 PARIS
+33 (0)2 48 50 18 10 Lun - Jeu 8h - 17h / Ven 8h - 16h Rue du Minerai 18570 La Chapelle-Saint-Ursin
ISO 9001 since 1998
ISO 14001 SINCE 2024

Gender Equality Index

Law No. 2018-771 of September the 5th, 2018 (known as the “Professional Future” law”) supplemented by Decree No. 2019-15 of January the 8th 2019 imposes on employers a system for evaluating the pay gap between women and men, leading to a public social rating of the company and, for those in which the gaps are excessive, the obligation to implement corrective measures (Articles L 1142-7 to 10 of the Labour Code).

Écart de rémunération entre les femmes et les hommes (40 points) Note Lanfranco : 33/40
Écart de répartition des augmentations individuelles (35 points) Note Lanfranco : 35/35
Parité parmi les plus hautes rémunérations (10 points) Note Lanfranco : 10/10

Index 2024: 92/100